Software Application
Planning Phase

Before the start of any application build, it's best to start with proper planning.
Dreaming Spanish


The primary objective of the Planning Phase is to thoroughly identify and document your application's specific requirements and functionalities, ensuring every detail is captured to guide its development.

This Software Blueprint also focuses on designing a scalable cloud architecture, high-resolution UI/UX, defining clear acceptance criteria, and creating a detailed implementation roadmap. It's all about ensuring a shared, comprehensive understanding, and setting the stage for a successful project outcome. Thoroughly navigating this phase before product development significantly increases the odds of success.

Expert Team

Services /

Functional Requirements

A comprehensive list detailing what the software will do, including all features and functionalities to meet your business needs.

Non-Functional Requirements

These requirements define the system's operation features such as security, performance, maintainability, scalability, and usability.

UI/UX Design (using Figma)

Create a high-resolution, user-friendly interface design of the entire application using Figma.

User Flow Diagram

A graphical representation of the user's navigation through the application, highlighting how they interact with the UI and what steps they take to complete tasks.

AWS Cloud Architecture Diagram

A detailed diagram that outlines the proposed cloud-based infrastructure on AWS, designed for scalability, reliability, and security.

Estimated AWS Cloud Monthly Cost

A forecast of monthly expenses associated with the AWS Cloud Architecture, helping in budget planning and cost management.

Technology Stack

Identification of the programming frameworks, and tools best suited for the project, ensuring efficient and effective development.

Implementation Estimate

An initial estimate of the time and resources required to complete the project, providing a preliminary view of the implementation scope and scale.

Dreaming Spanish

Planning Phase Benefits

Risk Mitigation

Early identification and management of potential risks and challenges ensure that projects are more predictable, reducing the likelihood of encountering significant issues during development.

Clear Requirements

Documenting both functional and non-functional requirements and cloud infrastructure in detail helps in setting clear expectations, ensuring that the final product meets the customer’s needs and objectives.

Cost Efficiency

Detailed planning enables development phase efficiency by cutting down time and understanding the project goals during the development phase. Without proper planning, development costs and time will increase due to inefficiencies.

High-Resolution Design

A high-resolution UI/UX design phase ensures that the end product is not only functional but also intuitive and engaging for users. This allows our clients to see the finished product before any development is executed, as it’s easier to iterate the design before development begins.

Efficient Development Process

With a comprehensive implementation plan, the development team can follow a clear roadmap, leading to more efficient and faster delivery of the project.

Team Alignment

Ensures that all stakeholders, designers, developers, and project managers, are aligned with the project's goals, requirements, and timelines, fostering collaboration and efficiency.

Planning Phase Team Roles

Project Manager

Oversees the planning and execution of the planning phase, ensuring it meets the customer's expectations.

Software Architect

Designs the fundamental structure of a software system, defining core components, their interactions, and the standards to be followed.

Solutions Architect

Develops cloud architecture solutions that align with business objectives and application needs.

UI/UX Designer

Designs the visual and interactive elements of a product, focusing on optimizing user experience and interface design for enhanced usability and engagement.

Average Timeframe

While each Planning Phase is unique to the customer and has various completion times, the average timeframe is 300 hours over 4-6 weeks.

Average Hours


Average Timeframe

4-6 Weeks
Expert Team


Due to the dynamic and individual nature of the Planning Phase, along with resource planning, we require an up-front retainer payment that will be billed against hours worked by the Planning Phase Team Roles. If the Planning Phase engagement extends beyond the retainer amount, an additional retainer payment will be requested. Any remaining balance of the retainer will be applied toward the implementation phase.

Let's Talk

Ready to start planning out your software application the right way?

Start Planning