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Django Unleashed: 8 Reasons You Should Use This Framework

Django Unleashed: 8 Reasons You Should Use This Framework

“The Framework for perfectionists with deadlines.” Django is one of the most popular Python frameworks available, and is preferred by developers who need...

“The Framework for perfectionists with deadlines.”

Django is one of the most popular Python frameworks available, and is preferred by developers who need a flexible foundation that also encourages rapid development. Moreover, as a free, open-source framework, anyone can use Django and anyone can contribute to its further development as well. Such community-focused growth has allowed Django to emerge as one of the best development frameworks available.

This is especially true if you are interested in a custom CRM solution or interested in replacing an outdated CRM solution. It is difficult to manage a large customer database without a CRM. There are many one-size-fits-all CRM systems on the market. Yet, many companies need a custom solution to fit specific business needs. This is where the Django framework can provide a competitive advantage.

There are more benefits to using Django than what we can list in a single blog post. Still, we’re going to discuss seven of the best reasons to use the Django framework. Quite simply, by providing a flexible framework, Django allows developers to quickly start developing their own custom apps and software.

Of course, when considering Django, you should consider your own needs and preferences. Most likely, you’ll find that Django is a great fit for your requirements. Django is easy to use, flexible and can save tremendous amounts of time during the development stage.

Flexible and Powerful

The first thing to understand about Django is that it is both flexible and powerful. Sometimes, when it comes to frameworks you have to make a choice. Either the framework will be powerful, or it will be flexible. Django comes preloaded with many of the tools and support that you need and want.

At the same time, Django doesn’t try to force you into a straightjacket. The framework is designed to be flexible and useful for as many projects as possible. While some frameworks paint you into a corner, Django opens up a world of possibilities.

Django Withstands the Test of Time

As far as technology goes, Django is old. First launched back in 2005, Django has been around for a long time. Think about your own gadgets and technologies. How many of them are 12 years old? Yet for Django, this age is a benefit rather than a drawback.

Django has aged more gracefully than most other technologies. A twelve-year-old personal computer isn’t going to be powerful enough to run modern applications. A 12-year-old car is probably going to be nearing the end of its life. On the other hand, Django remains one of the most-used Python frameworks.

Some programming languages are less popular today than they have been in the past. Regardless, Python remains quite popular, especially for science, analytics and other similar applications. There are still many developers working with Python and a lot of new software applications are still being built in it.

As a result, Django remains a choice framework. Django itself has staying power because the framework is still among the best available solutions today. Instead of growing outdated, Django has evolved to incorporate new solutions and to handle the evolving needs of a contemporary market.

Built by the Community for the Community

So how has Django been able to evolve and stay with the times? A big reason for this Python framework’s success is the community that supports it. As an open-source project, anyone can contribute, and countless people do.

Continual updates and improvements have allowed the Django framework to continually evolve. Throughout the years, the vast community that supports this free, open-source framework have helped to refine it. This has helped Django keep up with the times and explains why it remains so well-utilized.

Plus, Django can scale to your needs whether you have 200 users or 500,000. Talk about mind-blowing.

The Community Has Built a Massive Library of Packages

For many developers, Django is a turnkey framework. What you get with the basic framework is often what you need to accomplish your projects. Not to mention, some developers will find themselves in need of a more customized solutions.

Thankfully, Django is supported by a huge library of packages that enable easily-added functionality—as in, over 3,000. As with most other aspects of this development framework, the packages were built by and are supported by the larger Django community.

To illustrate, the Django admin offers a large range of customizations you can apply at your disposal. And, if you were to create a database model, the Django forms framework can then create and update your database based on your specific model. It just makes life much easier.

Django offers ready-made components to create a customized CRM solution easily and quickly. For example, you can get these types of components:

  • Forms
  • A method for uploading files
  • User authentication
  • Admin panel
  • URL routing
  • Database schema migrations
  • Object-relational mapper (ORM)
  • A templating system
  • \

The package library is so large that it can be difficult for people to navigate. As you can probably guess, this is a good problem to have. Fortunately, Django’s large community can help those who are less familiar with the library locate exactly what they need.

Django is a high-level Python Web framework that encourages rapid development and clean, pragmatic design.

Sometimes, Taking the Beaten Path Is Best

Many developers have worked on projects and produced packages such as custom CRM system. As a result, you may be able to cut down on your own workload by following in their footsteps. Given the open-source nature of Django and the community that develops on it, many developers share and document their specific experiences.

This goes beyond documentation (which we’re going to discuss). There are a variety of forums, websites and communities dedicated to developing on Django. The websites and resources are freely available.

Then, there is the fact that deployment is easy, and Django is very stable--these are features that make the framework a standout.

Enhanced Security

Let's face, security is on the mind of every company these days. With an unprecedented number of cybercrimes, it has to be. Well, with Django, you get a highly-secured network complete with protection against CSRF attacks, clickjacking, SQL injections, XSS attacks and more. If you enjoy name-dropping, here are just a few well-known websites that use Django:

  • Instagram
  • The Onion
  • Pinterest
  • Bitbucket
  • \

Documentation, Documentation, Documentation

Excellent documentation goes a long way for developers. The Django community has put together not “just” a great framework, and not “just” a huge library of packages. The Django community has also put together one of the most extensive, detailed and well-organized documentation libraries in the world.

Not only is this documentation system one of the biggest, but it’s also quite well organized given its size. As a result, developers don’t have to stumble around in the dark figuring out how things work. If a developer has a question, he or she is likely to find an answer.

Community Driven, Responsive Support

Documentation is fantastic. Not to mention, developers often find themselves facing problems that haven’t already been solved or challenges that don’t fit into the “narrow” confines of documentation. Django’s community is massive, and it is very supportive. Often, developers will head to community forums to ask questions and field ideas.

Not every community is created equal. Sometimes, you’ll ask a question, but you’ll be shouting into the darkness. You post up a question, but receive no answers. With Django, things are different—often, when you ask you shall receive.

Whatever challenges you or your team encounters, there’s a good chance that another Django developer has faced the same obstacle or something similar. The Django community is quite large but also tight-knit. As a result, there is a large online community that you can rely upon.

Developers certainly appreciate this form of community-driven support. In fact, it’s often quicker and easier to ask people online rather than calling a dedicated customer support service line. Not to mention, crowd-sourced solutions from multiple experts often produces better answers.

Even if you can’t find an immediate answer to your problem, you can ask the community. Django developers are generally quick to respond to community-fielded questions. It’s all about solving real-world problems.

In Conclusion: Unleash Django and Reveal Your CRM’s Potential

There are a ton of frameworks out there for developers to use. When it comes to custom CRM development, Django is the only choice. By using Django, your development team can focus on developing the apps and software you need rather than reinventing the wheel.

Django is also great framework because it was produced by a stellar, open-source driven community built on a time-tested and elegant programming language. This means that the benefits of Django go deeper than “just” the framework itself. As such, Django remains one of the most-trusted and success-inducing frameworks for Python and development as a whole.