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Unlock the Hidden Potential of Your Business with a Software Code Audit: Here's What to Expect

Unlock the Hidden Potential of Your Business with a Software Code Audit: Here's What to Expect

It's a common scenario with clients that they may lose trust with their current software development team and question the integrity of their code. Or find their software application is buggy and does not have a smooth user experience.

It's a common scenario with clients that they may lose trust with their current software development team and question the integrity of their code. Or find their software application is buggy and does not have a smooth user experience. In these situations, we perform a software audit to poke holes in the code to figure out with the inefficiencies are and come up with an implementation plan to improve the overall experience with the software application and help make sure it's secure, up-to-date, and scalable.

A software code audit is a comprehensive evaluation of the source code of a custom software application. It is an important step in the maintenance and evolution of any custom software solution, as it helps identify potential issues, improve performance, and ensure that the application is secure and maintainable.

But what can clients expect from a software code audit? In this post, we will explore the key elements of a software code audit and how it can benefit your custom software solution.

What is a software code audit?

A custom software code audit is a thorough review of the source code of a custom software application. The audit is usually conducted by a team of experienced software developers who have expertise in the programming languages and frameworks used in the application. When doing a software code review, we will assign one of our most senior software architects.

The goal of a code audit is to identify any potential issues or areas for improvement in the codebase. This can include things like coding standards violations, security vulnerabilities, performance issues, and maintainability problems.

The audit team will typically use a variety of tools and techniques to review the code, including static analysis tools, code review tools, and manual inspection. They may also review documentation, including design documents and user manuals, to gain a better understanding of the application and its intended behavior.

Why is a software code audit important?

There are several reasons why a software code audit is important for the health and maintenance of your custom software solution. Some of the key benefits include:

Identifying potential issues

A code audit can help identify potential issues with the codebase that may not be immediately apparent. This can include things like security vulnerabilities, performance bottlenecks, and coding standards violations.

By identifying these issues early on, you can take steps to address them before they become more serious problems.

Improving performance

We can help identify areas where the code could be optimized for better performance. This can include things like identifying inefficient algorithms, redundant code, or unnecessary database queries.

By improving the performance of the code, you can ensure that the application runs smoothly and efficiently, which can lead to better user experience and increased productivity.

Ensuring security

Our software code reviews identify potential security vulnerabilities in the codebase. This is especially important for applications that handle sensitive data, as a security breach could have serious consequences. With this process we can identify vulnerabilities to ensure that your application is secure and that your users' data is protected.

Improving maintainability

A code audit can help identify areas where the codebase could be more maintainable. This can include things like identifying code that is difficult to understand or modify, or areas where the code is poorly organized.

By improving the maintainability of the code, you can make it easier for your development team to work with the codebase and make updates and improvements over time.

What to expect during a custom software code audit

So, what can clients expect during a custom software code audit? Here are some of the key elements of the process:


Before the audit begins, our audit team will need to prepare for the review. This may involve doing some in-depth discovery calls to gather information about the product and codebase, such as the programming languages and frameworks used, the architecture of the application, and any relevant documentation. The more we understand about your product and code, the more efficient our software code audit can be. If you don't have any documentation, we can manage, but it may take a little longer to decipher how all of the software code logic works together. We can also help with the documentation during the implementation phase, to ensure that any new software engineers that get onboarded to your project in the future can do so in an efficient manner.

Code review

The core of the code audit is the software code review process, where the audit team will manually review the source code of the application. This may involve using tools to assist with the review, such as static analysis tools or code review tools.

Our audit team will be looking for issues such as coding standards violations, security vulnerabilities, performance issues, and maintainability problems. They will also be looking for opportunities to optimize the code for better performance and maintainability.


After the code review is complete, the audit team will prepare a report detailing their findings. The report will typically include a summary of the key issues identified during the review, as well as recommendations for addressing these issues. It may also include a list of best practices for maintaining the codebase going forward.


Once the report is complete, the next step is to implement the recommendations. This may involve making changes to the codebase, updating documentation, or implementing new processes and tools to improve the maintainability of the code.

The audit team may also provide guidance and support to ensure that the recommendations are implemented correctly. After the implementation, we will ensure your code is up to best standards and set your application up for success.

A custom software code audit is an important step in the maintenance and evolution of any custom software solution. It helps identify potential issues, improve performance, and ensure that the application is secure and maintainable. By understanding what to expect from a code audit, clients can better prepare for the process and ensure that they get the most value out of the review.

If you have doubts about the integrity of your code, click here to get in contact with us, so we can learn more about your problems and get a software code review in place.